Sunday, October 7, 2012

32nd birthday

Tomorrow will be my 32nd birthday and to celebrate I wanted to have a cookie cake featuring Cookie Monster. And this plan was in place before Romney opened his mouth and declared he wished to cut the funding from PBS. I will get into that later. I discovered that the Great American Cookie Company who I viewed would obviously have the ability to make my cake could make it.
Apparently licensing prevents them from doing so and that makes me just shake my head. I am sad. But I am grateful for what I have: A roof over my head. Basic amenities. A family who cares about me. Two happy beautiful cats.
And two very good and cute boyfriends.
Life is good.

Monday, August 27, 2012


I am going into a dark place due to my sexual frustration and my growing desire for a fulfilling sex life.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Facebook and the games that kill us

As anyone who reads this knows I'm a fan of games. In spite of the previous article I wrote I still fancy me self every now and then colorful pixel enhanced journeys into mindless fun. My favorite casual games are time managements & farming games since I don't have a green thumb. I wish I did but unfortunately I always end up killing plants instead of helping them thrive. And most of the "free" to enjoy lot are on Facebook. But *sigh* I honestly think it's killing my enthusiasm. Let's face it: they lure you in with their pretty mechanics and controls and graphics and then when you really start to dig in they say you need this many friends/neighbors before you can go on. And afterwards they get cross when you invite people you don't know. Let's face: it's hypocrisy. Gourmet Ranch (which I at one point adored) tried to get me to recruit people by offering me those shiny lovely keys that unlock items if I recruited new folks. Never worked. The problem was half of the people I knew already played it and the other half didn't want to. Summer Springs a game brought to you by the people in charge of Gaea does the same. And on top of that Summer Springs demands you have at least 50 friends on your listing in order to access a lot of their content in the market. It's also god awfully expensive and time consuming. And not enjoyable when you try so hard and get so little in reward. Finally the game glitches worse than an epileptic. As of today it's lost connection with the server 3 times in a row while I'm trying to harvest crops. I'd love to continue gaming with you, Facebook, but with the insane demands you make, the evils of hackers and malware, etc you are getting to be FAR more hassle than you're bringing in joy in this relationship.
I wish I'd never touched Facebook.
I really do.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I'm Losing That Loving Feeling

Once in a while I get depressed. I can't help it. Genetics plus environment equals that creeping sadness. But it could usually be counter acted by some good old fashioned video games. Sure Gordon Ramsey and his fantastic programs helped. The parts of True Blood not filled with sex edged it out. But still my one love has always been video games... And porn. But porn or rather hentai has more and more just gotten me less & less away from my sinking depression and added to the lack of some satisfying contact. So it was video games which I say filled the void and helped me deal.
However I think that is no longer going to keep on being a viable escape means. Games which I enjoyed on Facebook end up being pointless and overwhelming instead of the fun time wasters and mind wipers. Not to mention far too many are buggy and the support for them is almost non-existent. The game series' I had loved for so many years have been slowly poisoned and killed off by lack of intelligent running and just no longer giving a shit about their customer bases. Yes Square Enix: I am looking right at you, you fucking evil gimps. The potential of a Happy Ending for all involved or an enjoyable time playing FF XIII was destroyed by you through your greed and poor decision making. 13-2 was made trying to find a way for Lightening to be happy but in the end you effectively killed off the entire planet. Way to go. New games are too expensive for me to buy especially since I am among those poor souls who always love the good solidness of a hard disc-based copy can run up to 60 something dollars and the DDL's are hardly less expensive. Sales hardly last long enough for me to acquire the funds to partake of really good purchases of things I want.
I can effectively go on and on eventually going into mindless mumbling and incoherent ramblings but I won't. I'll just say this: I do not look forward to the day when video games stop being my comfort in a harsh emotional time and I don't have anything to fall back on. It will not end well for anyone who knows me.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Fuck Twilight!

You know who my favorite couple are: Jareth and Sarah from Labyrinth. They both could use some emotional growing up which Sarah more than did in the movie but that's it. They are my favorite couple. End of discussion.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Father Dies on Father's Day

2 weeks ago it was Father's day. And on that die my father passed. Although Father's Day and I had had some bad exchanges I didn't think it would pull the ultimate F U and tell the Grim Reaper to take him to God. I was ready to let him go... Just not on Father's Day. So here's the score so far:
Holidays' fucked - 2
Me and Sis - 0

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Oh Sims 3 you scamp you

Oh how I love you. When I burn my mac and cheese my sim will die in flames screaming. When he "forget" to go to the bathroom and pees on the floor then "accidentally" electrocutes himself on the tv he was tinkering with. Or how about the time I was raising my logic skill with the telescope and a meteorite came out of no where! Oh how we laughed and laughed! Ah you will always have a place well deserved in my heart. Unlike 13-2 which is about to get a boot the size of Texas shoved RIGHT UP YOUR ASS!!! Fuck you Square Enix and the horse you rode in on!!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


If you visit my blog and notice the thing down on the corner that says, click and enjoy some of my loved songs and programs from this great site I was introduced to. And not only does this suite play music it also is home to a hidden treasure of Goon Show episodes! WHOO HOO!!


I hate Zynga. They put malware on my laptop without me realizing it when I foolishly agreed to do something they offered. They suck and are unimaginative. And now they've made a deal with the owners of one of my fave games on Facebook for advertising and letting them run Gourmet Ranch on their servers. Yeah that won't end badly. Oh well at least it gives me time to go back to being serial killer on Sims 3.

Monday, April 23, 2012

well bugger me

Didn't realize it had been so long since I made a post but given the fact I've been preoccupied with a whole shit storm manner of things I beg your forgiveness. No really I do. I appreciate anyone who read what I have to say and I am grateful for any useful feed I get. Well I promised to say something about Enchanted Arms when i got back so here I go: play the 360 version because PS3 is the weaker of the 2 in full retrospect and unless you wanna get a nice cardio workout going and dance while shaking the controller along with your booty so you can raise the EX gauge I would suggest leaving the PS3 port alone. Still I had some good fun with it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Disney Fried Mythos

FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY!!! Can we please stop it with the fucking Disney Hercules greek adaptations?! I can't take it anymore!!! Hades is the bad guy! Hades wants to take over Mount Olympus! For goodness fucking sake: SHUT UP! He accepted the lot he was drawn; he is a very busy god! HE DOESN'T WANT OLYMPUS! He's like some emo kid: the happiness and splendor of the mountain doesn't suit him... The only time he ever really came out was if he was summoned by Zeus or that incident where Cupid shot him with the arrow and he became enamored with Persephone. Will you please cut it out, entertainment industry? I am begging you.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Enchanted Arms

So I managed to get a copy of both the 360 and PS3 versions of the video game Enchanted Arms. I like it. Once I'm done with both versions I'll give out a review.

Also: this month has been one roller coaster of weird. I have never had a February with this much drama, health scares, and insanity. Also didn't get to go see Jeanne Robertson when she was in town and am thoroughly depressed about it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My period

Starts this morning and my sister for 1/2 of the day on keeps starting shit. You know I can ear the tv through wall in my room?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I don't care about inheriting after my father dies. I don't care about money. I want my father back and healthy. I want my mother to be alive again and with us and talking about when she was younger and all the stories of our grandparents and aunts and uncles and great-grandparents. I don't want to be an adult anymore. I wanna go back to being a kid with a family unit that may have not been completely healthy but we were happy and together. I HATE HAVING TO GROW UP!!! I wanna go back to being 5 years old... I hate life. I HATE IT!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Audio Books

I love audio books. Not just because words hurt and written words are easier to understand when they are in large print and I can only understand an instruction manual if it has appropriately coinciding pictures with the text. I am a simpleton but a proud one so shut your mouth. Audio books get a lot of crap and not enough love. Quite often they have the writer doing the reading or a highly qualified narrator with a calm and soothing voice with a hint of a sense of humor. True they can be expensive but mind you the cost of owning quite a few is negated when you realize in your late years you have nothing to do but listen to the radio or music choice channels because you are blind and your fingers have too many callouses from doing things better left unspoken of to understand what braille is telling you.

In conclusion: Audio books are good and you should buy them.

On a side note, I would like to add I have been listening to Zero Punctuation with Yahtzee since I woke this morning at 8 am so I may have unwittingly channeled him in this entry.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Change In Post

This entry will involve something different. It involves my cats. We went to Walmart and picked them up a toy called SmartyKat Catnip Kiss catnip toy. It's a pretty great buy and if you want to see your' cat high as hell and rolling on the floor this is definitely a great toy for it. I don't know how much it cost but you should buy it.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Unless you want to vomit...

I for one am a lover of Final Fantasy games. I like the style, innovative play, and characters that it gives us. Usually. And more often than not I leave the game after a battle feeling happy how I was rewarded for playing such an at times difficult boss or monster.  That was until I played Final Fantasy 13. Or as it has been come to be called in my house: the bane of my PS3. Graphics wise this game is beautiful. Environments,  characters, weapons, and effects are very nice to look at. Graphic wise it is solid. Combat wise feels like a half heated RTS they pulled from their MMOs and said "Deal with it." I'm sorry but when I play Final Fantasy I want a turn based game.... Not this. I also want to be able to control what my fellow party members are doing. Do I get to in this? No. The game feels like it's some off shoot world where Zanarkand kind of won the war with Bevelle eons ago and they kept the machina. That was probably because of the music which sounds HEAVILY FFX inspired. When you fight in this game, you don't win even if you are declared the victor. You get no money after battles, hardly  get items even with a 5 star rating most of the time and very little CP. This sucks monumentally as abilities later on can cost up to 80,000 points to unlock 1 spot. Things in shops are EXPENSIVE and add that to the grind you have to do constantly to obtain items to sell to get money you're getting boned harder than a helpless damsel being held hostage by a horn dog army of tentacle monsters. And let's not forget that wonderful little bug that will cause your' system to die if the game freezes.

THAT'S RIGHT KIDDDIES: FFXIII is so bad it will cause your' PS3 to do the Sony equivalent of Red Ring but broguht on by your game!

Don't buy this game. Rent it from a friend. Watch a playthrough on Youtube. Unless you are suffering from mind numbing boredom and have nothing else to do DON'T PLAY THIS!!! Don't give Square Enix you're hard earned money. It's sad but due to the absence of good rewards in here, this game has suffered a horrific blow to it's name sake and I can only pray FFXIII-2 can fix it. If not: my love for Final Fantasy has died and I won't be buying another game of this series ever again. ... Unless it's an older version on PSN, then I will buy that because those were good. So technically my love won't be dead... Just horribly horribly maimed.

Monday, January 2, 2012


So I've been playing Nier for the Playstation 3. The original unfortunately not the one titled Nier: Replicant for said system which was apparently only released in Japan. Stupid bastards who thought of that pissing me off... Any who! I have come to realize that this game is far better than FFXII & FFXIII and if there was any brains in Square Enix's head they would have made this XIII instead of what they put out. The characters are awesome storyline is fantastic and replayability though not perfect is good. I also am highly broken hearted when I watch the scenes with certain shades and monsters and hear and see their sides of the conflict. Also the Shade possessing Kaine is just a 7 layer bean dip of crazy creepiness with a side of murderous joy. The graphics are a 10 for me neck in neck with one of the most beautiful music scores I've heard in a freaking long time. I seriously will spend a good 30 to 40 minutes with my char standing in the tavern listening to Devola and Popola sing. This game is a gem. Intriguing and heartbreaking in all the right places I do not mind running around getting EXP and items in it unlike the nauseating grind the was FFXIII, which by the way in spite of how much it makes me pissed and want to vomit I ill still attempt to finish just so I can get the trophies.