Friday, August 15, 2014


I am in it. I hate my life. I am uncomfortable. There is stuff I need that I do not have the money for. Life doesn't suck as much as I just do not like it with a fiery passion right now. My thyroid was discovered to be under-active but I'm just.... my discomfort isn't due to that I believe.

Friday, February 28, 2014


How awesome are you?
That question is rhetorical however I do wish your mods were easier to use.
Like SKSE and SkyUI
Why do those detest me?
Why do they wish to not work for me no matter my attempts to use them as instructed?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

I am Alive.

Over a whole year since I last posted?! Holy frito lay chips! This is what I get becoming so positively immersed in Minecraft.

I started an attempted at my own version of a Let's Play series called Win or FAIL?! but then my headset became disabled. I've become not avid but a daily visitor to the old Twitter machine. And I pretty much cut all my television watching to a bare minimum mostly do to how much the outside world sickens me. What the fuck is wrong with these people? I'm glad the only thing I'll leave behind when I've died and gone is my digital footprint and a passing thought from friends and maybe relatives.

I can only pray I die peacefully in my sleep.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

32nd birthday

Tomorrow will be my 32nd birthday and to celebrate I wanted to have a cookie cake featuring Cookie Monster. And this plan was in place before Romney opened his mouth and declared he wished to cut the funding from PBS. I will get into that later. I discovered that the Great American Cookie Company who I viewed would obviously have the ability to make my cake could make it.
Apparently licensing prevents them from doing so and that makes me just shake my head. I am sad. But I am grateful for what I have: A roof over my head. Basic amenities. A family who cares about me. Two happy beautiful cats.
And two very good and cute boyfriends.
Life is good.

Monday, August 27, 2012


I am going into a dark place due to my sexual frustration and my growing desire for a fulfilling sex life.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Facebook and the games that kill us

As anyone who reads this knows I'm a fan of games. In spite of the previous article I wrote I still fancy me self every now and then colorful pixel enhanced journeys into mindless fun. My favorite casual games are time managements & farming games since I don't have a green thumb. I wish I did but unfortunately I always end up killing plants instead of helping them thrive. And most of the "free" to enjoy lot are on Facebook. But *sigh* I honestly think it's killing my enthusiasm. Let's face it: they lure you in with their pretty mechanics and controls and graphics and then when you really start to dig in they say you need this many friends/neighbors before you can go on. And afterwards they get cross when you invite people you don't know. Let's face: it's hypocrisy. Gourmet Ranch (which I at one point adored) tried to get me to recruit people by offering me those shiny lovely keys that unlock items if I recruited new folks. Never worked. The problem was half of the people I knew already played it and the other half didn't want to. Summer Springs a game brought to you by the people in charge of Gaea does the same. And on top of that Summer Springs demands you have at least 50 friends on your listing in order to access a lot of their content in the market. It's also god awfully expensive and time consuming. And not enjoyable when you try so hard and get so little in reward. Finally the game glitches worse than an epileptic. As of today it's lost connection with the server 3 times in a row while I'm trying to harvest crops. I'd love to continue gaming with you, Facebook, but with the insane demands you make, the evils of hackers and malware, etc you are getting to be FAR more hassle than you're bringing in joy in this relationship.
I wish I'd never touched Facebook.
I really do.